Wellness Teas

With a wealth of experience gained from owning and operating the highly esteemed Hummingbird Tearoom & Bakery, where we have served thousands of satisfied customers, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our very own brand of wellness teas. Crafted with meticulous care, our teas are made to order, combining 3-5 key ingredients known for their exceptional quality and beneficial properties. We are equally excited to introduce our bespoke wellness teas, where we blend your favorite teas with our expertise to create a personalized and invigorating tea experience. Embrace the goodness of our handcrafted wellness teas and embark on a journey of well-being and indulgence like never before.

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea with Lemon On an Empty Stomach

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea with Lemon On an Empty Stomach

Still do not know the benefits of drinking green tea with lemon on an empty stomach? The combination of these ingredients is perfect to enhance its antioxidant, depurative, detoxifying, and slimming effects. In fact, some studies have shown that lemon would act to enhance the properties of green tea by facilitating the absorption of antioxidant

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Teas to Reduce Intestinal Inflammation

Teas to Reduce Intestinal Inflammation

The intestines are an essential part of the digestive system, as they are responsible for absorbing nutrients and eliminating toxic substances. Suffering from inflammation in the intestines or colitis may be due to different causes such as intolerance or allergy to certain foods, emotional factors, stress, medication consumption, presence of bacteria, or genetic factors, among

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