Tea Health

Harnessing the Healing Power of Tea for Damaged Skin

Harnessing the Healing Power of Tea: Soothing Radiation-Damaged Skin

Tea extracts may help reduce skin damage caused by radiation therapy for cancer, according to a study by U.S. and German researchers. Radiation therapy is a very invasive treatment that is administered to approximately 60% of all cancer patients. One of its contraindications is its high probability of inflicting significant damage to healthy tissues. While

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Teas to Reduce Intestinal Inflammation

Teas to Reduce Intestinal Inflammation

The intestines are an essential part of the digestive system, as they are responsible for absorbing nutrients and eliminating toxic substances. Suffering from inflammation in the intestines or colitis may be due to different causes such as intolerance or allergy to certain foods, emotional factors, stress, medication consumption, presence of bacteria, or genetic factors, among

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