Tea Culture in Sweden

Tea Culture in Sweden

Sweden consumes 0.4 lb of tea per capita per year.

Tea trend in the country is continuously rising, especially the trend for Green and Black teas.

Fruit-infused and herbal tea varieties are also part of the Swedish tea culture.

History of Tea in Sweden

First Green and Oolong teas were brought to Sweden in the 18th century by local traders that were importing goods from China.

Tea has always been one of the most preferred non-alcoholic beverages in the country, although its popularity is increasing more and more over the years.

Having to compete with the developed coffee-drinking culture, the Swedish tea culture boast some quite unique customs.

Tea Culture in Sweden

Swedish people have an extraordinary tea-time called fika.

Fika is part of everyday life and it’s practiced with friends and colleagues.

More than tea time, fika is about sharing time with dear people and represents a big part of the Swedish culture in general.

Despite tea, fika can also mean coffee time gathering.

This ritual is always accompanied by snacks and/or cake.

The name of the fika ritual comes from the inverted 19th-century slang of the word kaffi (coffee).

Fika is all about sharing a moment with friends and it’s traditionally accompanied by candlelight.

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