Tea Culture in Peru

Tea Culture in Peru

Peru consumes 0.4 lb of tea per capita per year.

This South American country boasts incredible tea culture since the time of the Incas.

Camelia Sinensis varieties such as Green, Black, Oolong, White, and Assam can be found in cafes across the country, although these teas are not the first choice for Peruvians.

History of Tea in Peru

People drink tea in Peru since the Inca times and probably before that.

The tea culture in Peru evolves around locally-grown plants such as Muna, Coca, and Chamomile.

Asian teas arrived in the country during the Chinese migration in 1849.

Tea Culture in Peru

Peruvians drink a lot of tea, especially at high altitudes.

Muna tea is an Andean mint, but much more aromatic than spearmint and peppermint.

In towns like Cusco, locals drink Coca leaves tea or chew the leaves to aid breathing.

Cacao husks tea is another all-time favorite infusion, preferred by all generations.

Chamomile and cedroncillo are the most common herbal teas served at all times.

Peruvians drink tea at breakfast, in the evening, around bedtime, and especially when sick.

People in rural areas prefer drinking tea over going to the pharmacy.

Peru also has strong ceremonial tea culture including Ayahuasca and other ancestral herbal beverages.

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