Tea Culture in Malawi

Tea Culture in Malawi

Malawi produces around 31,000 tonnes of tea per, mainly for export purposes.

The country covers 1.7% of the global tea market, boasting high production of Green tea, although the local population prefers strong Black tea.

An average adult in Malawi drinks at least two cups of tea per day.

History of Tea in Malawi

The first attempts for tea plantations in Malawi date back to 1878 when the British were still roaming the African country.

Seeds brought from Edinburgh were introduced to the fertile soils of Malawi by the Scottish missionary Henry Brown, who has initiated the tea business in the country.

Malawi is a pioneer in tea production in Africa, and the tradition spread fast in the neighboring countries.

The lowlands of Mulanje and the highlands of Thyolo were the first regions of successful tea plantations in Malawi.

Tea Culture in Malawi

Malawians enjoy Black tea and they have a cup at least twice a day.

The first tea is drunk around 10 a.m. while the next one is at the regular tea time at 4 p.m. that they’ve adopted from the Brits.

However, some people also enjoy a warm cup of tea in the evening. They typically drink their tea with milk and sugar.

Malawian tea has a richer taste than other teas coming from the continent due to the decades-old tea bushes and the extremely fertile soil.

Today, Malawi is a popular tea tourism destination where visitors have the opportunity to take a look at the entire tea production process as well as try some of the best tea varieties produced in the Satemwa factory founded in 1937.

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