Tea Culture in Laos

Tea Culture in Laos

Tea is part of the everyday life of Laotians. While Green tea is served in every restaurant for free, Black tea can only be purchased in coffee shops.

Laos produces around 6,000 tonnes of fresh tea per year, which is around 1,500 tonnes when processed.

Some of it is used for domestic use, but the major part goes to the Chinese merchants.

History of Tea in Laos

Laos is believed to be the country of origin (together with Myanmar) of tea.

This tropical paradise boasts a 400-year-old tea tree in the Yunnan region.

The tea from Laos was traded for horses in the 16th century which confirms the extraordinary value of this commodity.

Tea Culture in Laos

Laotians love drinking both Green and Black tea. Green tea is more common, served for free as a gesture of hospitality.

Black tea is served in coffee shops, while Oolong is mostly preferred among the younger generations.

Lao teas have an earthy taste with a strong herbal punch unlike the subtle variants of Chinese and Japanese loose-leaf teas.

Milk and sugar are often added to tea in Laos, and some people even like their tea iced.

Tea in Laos is a strong part of the culture and the main source of income for many people.

Some like to drink tea with their food, while others sip a tasty Green tea only in the mornings.

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