Tea Culture in Australia

Tea Culture in Australia

Australia consumes 1,65 lb of tea per capita per year, entering the Top 20 tea-drinking nations worldwide.

Tea is the most popular non-alcoholic beverage in the county. Over 42% of people prefer premium Black tea, while 30% are English Breakfast fans. Green tea is favorite among 23% of Australians while 18% of Aussies enjoy a hot cuppa of Earl Grey.

History of Tea in Australia

The first records of tea in Australia come from the ancient Aboriginal traditions of drinking Leptospermum leaves (Manuka), native to New Zealand.

By the time of British colonization in 1788, the natives didn’t know about the Camellia Sinensis tea plant, which was introduced to the region around that era.

Australian tea traditions are heavily influenced by the British ones, as the nation itself was created by colonizers.

Tea Culture in Australia

When thinking of Australia, people imagine a hot climate and kangaroos jumping all over the place, but no one thinks of tea.

The truth is that the Aussies are devoted tea drinkers and have the same tea time rituals as the English.

Milk is often added to the Black tea, and sugar is optional. Tea drinking culture in Australia is a sign of hospitality and friendship and guests are always offered a tasty cuppa when visiting someone’s home.

Breakfast, morning, lunch, and afternoon tea rituals are a must, often accompanied by small food portions or sweet delights such as scones, depending on the time of the day. Many people also enjoy tea at night, replacing dinner.

Australia imports most of its tea from Asia. However, they have quite a few Black and Green tea plantations in the north themselves.

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