Tea Culture in Romania

Tea Culture in Romania

Romania consumes 0.1 lb of tea per capita per year.

Local people mostly drink linden and fruit-infused teas.

The name for tea in Romania is ceai which can be consumed at tea houses or brewed at home.

History of Tea in Romania

Romanians are not a famous tea-drinking nation, however, they do appreciate a warm cuppa during flu season.

Herbal and fruit-infused teas in the country were used since always, mostly as remedies.

Importing Green and Black teas is growing in the last two decades due to the increased demand.

Tea Culture in Romania

Going out for a cup of tea with friends is a common thing in Bucharest, the nation’s capital.

Elderly Romanians prefer brewing their tea at home instead of going to a modern tea house.

Most of the tea-consuming enthusiasts in Romania add sugar or honey to their tea, while some enjoy a splash of milk or lime.

The most significant part of Romanian tea culture is that they brew various herbal blends for medical use only.

Harvesting linden tree flowers is a quite common sight in the suburbs, especially where there is no traffic pollution.

For those who aren’t lucky to have linden trees nearby, buying tea bags is the only option.

Drying linden flowers can be seen from June through August in most of the village houses.

City tea shops are fully equiped with all kinds of teas, including Black, Green, and herbal tisanes.

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