Tea Culture in Malta

Tea Culture in Malta

Malta consumes around 2.5 lb of tea per capita per year which is quite surprising for an island of its size.

Maltese prefer strong Black tea, while Green tea, Earl Grey, and the classical English Breakfast are also predominant tea options in the local tea shops.

Herbal and fruit-infused teas are also popular in the new teahouses on the Mediterranean island.

History of Tea in Malta

Tea was introduced to Malta by the Brits during their colonization.

Malta is an island with a variety of influences throughout its rich history, but the Brits were the last ones to implement their tea culture that Maltese still hold on to today.

The first time tea boxes were brought here for commercial use was during the 1930s, while the oldest cafe in Malta dates back to 1837.

Tea Culture in Malta

Maltese people love Black tea with milk and sugar.

The tea culture is expanding more in the last decade, displaying unique tea shops and tea houses where locals and tourists alike go for a warm cuppa.

Black tea in Malta is served in transparent glasses, providing a detailed view of the dark color so the guests can judge the strength of their brew.

Maltese have a special Sunday tea time when they enjoy a glass of hot tea accompanied by the traditional Sicilian sweet, cannoli.

Warm sheep cheese pie and open sandwiches are other snack options preferred by Maltese during tea time.

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