Tea Culture in Greece

Tea Culture in Greece

Greece consumes 0.05 lb of tea per capita per year.

The most popular tea in Greece is chamomile tea which is also locally referred to as Greek tea.

Sage tea, olive leaves tea, thyme, mint, and geranium-infused tea are other common teas in Greece, although Green, Black, and Oolong teas’ popularity is exponentially growing due to tourism.

History of Tea in Greece

Tea culture in Greece dates back to ancient times.

Some legends say that thyme tea was created from the tears of Ellen of Troy, while Spartan warriors added dried thyme and sage leaves in their bath ceremonies.

Drinking tea in Greece is as common as having a cup of coffee in the morning, however, it’s mostly considered a medicinal beverage.

Tea Culture in Greece

When ordering tea in Greece, you will most likely be served a cup of chamomile tea, which is the most common and locally grown herb.

The ancient method of preparing tea in Greece was adding the desired herbs into a pot with cold water and then slowly boiling them.

This practice is no longer in use, and tea is now brewed in hot water for the indicated time.

Some traditional restaurants, however, still use the old preparation technique, also adding Black and Green tea variants to their menus.

Tea in Greece is often consumed with honey and lemon and there are households that still offer herbal tea to their guests, although this practice is not as near popular as in ancient times.

All in all, Greece is a tea-loving country, especially because of the abundance of local herbs growing across the country.

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