Tea Smoothie Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch or Snack

Tea Smoothie Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch or Snack

Every time I hear the word smoothie, I confess that I can’t help but think of the image of a young couple in a coffee shop in the United States, in the 70s, looking at each other in love, with some evergreen song playing in the background.

Does the same image come to mind? Smoothies or fruit and vegetable shakes seem very modern to us, but you can see that they are not. In fact, according to the research I have done to find information for this article, I have seen that its origin dates back to the 60s, in the United States.

So no, they are not modern at all. In any case, what has been done is to include foods and supplements different from those used 60 years ago, such as tea, for example.

How to Make Tea Smoothies?

How to Make Tea Smoothies

Precisely tea, as it could not be otherwise, is what we are going to include in the recipes that we have compiled for this article.

By the way, if you have wondered why we talk all the time about smoothies and not about shakes, is because there is a difference between a shake and a smoothie. Did you know that?

The difference is very simple: on the one hand, the smoothie always has a frozen element; it can be a fruit, a vegetable, or just ice.

On the other hand, the texture is also somewhat different: the shake is more liquid, and the smoothie is denser. For this reason, it also costs much more to make a smoothie than a milkshake, without being complicated.

But let’s get down to business: are you up for preparing the recipes we have prepared for you in this article? Then, grab a pen and paper because…let’s get started!

First of all, to make healthy smoothies you will need to buy high-quality tea like all the teas we have in our store.

Green Tea and Yogurt Smoothie

Green Tea and Yogurt Smoothie

Let’s go with a classic, but still, very tasty smoothie that goes great at any time of the day, especially in the morning or mid-afternoon and much more in summer, when fresh products are appreciated more than ever.

What do you need? 1 Greek yogurt, natural or skimmed, a couple of ice cubes, a spoonful of matcha green tea (small spoon), and if you wish, an optional sweetener.

How to prepare it? Crush the ice in a blender and add the ice cubes to a smoothie glass (if you have a blender at home, you can skip this first step and go directly to the second one).

Next, add the rest of the ingredients in the same glass and blend. When serving and to make it more attractive, you can sprinkle some matcha tea over the smoothie.

Green Smoothie with Green Tea, Fruits, and Vegetables

Green Smoothie with Green Tea, Fruits, and Vegetables

The recipe for fruit smoothies accompanied by tea and vegetables is delicious and very easy to prepare, we explain how.

To make the detox smoothie you have to mix fruits and vegetables with the aim of eating the 5 daily pieces that are recommended per day is another of the fads of recent years.

While it is true that it is always much healthier (as indicated by nutritionists) to eat fruits and vegetables in pieces, it is also true that varying this form of consumption from time to time, is not bad and is also very nice (even to introduce the kids to flavors of vegetables or fruits that they do not like much).

What will you need? Again, a yogurt, ice, 1 bunch of spinach, 1 banana, 1 mango, 1 orange, and a cup of prepared green tea. All the ingredients should be fresh, as much as possible.

Do you have them all? If so, now you just have to mix them all in a blender and you can serve it in a wide and long glass.

TIP: if you are used to drinking the sweetest smoothies, we invite you to use natural ingredients such as pure honey or stevia liquid extract.

However, keep in mind that the fruit already gives the smoothie a sweet taste, so before adding any sweetener, try it and, above all, if you want to get rid of the sugar, give it a try.

Many times we need to try things two or three times to know if we are really able to take it one way or another.

By the way, and before leaving you, we have been talking all the time about mixing tea powder, but you can also make matcha tea ice cubes (you simply have to mix water with matcha tea powder in ice cube trays).

It is true that, in this case, the taste of tea is not so present, but it is still noticeable.

Itsnevernotteatime.com cannot and does not contain medical/health advice. The medical/health information is provided for general and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice.

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