The annoying symptoms that accompany menopause, such as hot flashes and nighttime hyper-sweating, can be mitigated with these specifically acting plants.
Vasomotor symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats, appear in many women with the onset of menopause.
These discomforts are related to the abrupt hormonal variations typical of this period, as estrogen production decreases, and can affect up to 80% of women over 50 years of age. But women who are still menstruating or who are pregnant may occasionally suffer from them.

The intensity and duration of symptoms vary greatly from one woman to another. Sometimes they occur only once a day or less, but in other cases, they occur persistently throughout the day.
In turn, there are many women for whom it lasts only a couple of years, while others must resign themselves to living with these symptoms for one, two, or even three decades.
How to Mitigate the Symptoms of Menopause
Phytotherapy offers some supportive solutions for medicinal plants. Although they are not equally effective in all cases, they can be very useful to enjoy this stage of life without so much discomfort.
The meadow clover (Trifolium pratense) is the first of our selection, for its versatility in treating menopausal symptoms.
It is often used in combination with sage (Salvia officinalis), another great ally of women.
We have also added black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) and hops (Humulus lupulus) for their added action on mood and nervousness, respectively.

This plant’s (Salvia officinalis) leaves and flowers are used medicinally as they are rich in essential oil, rosmarinic acid, and flavonoids.
It is often combined with clover and exerts an excellent action against hot flashes and night sweats.
In external use, you can apply it in compresses or baths, which will help reduce sweating.
Another option is to take it orally. You can drink up to three cups of infusion a day, or opt for capsules, tincture, or liquid extract.

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) rhizome is used as one of the best solutions to soothe perimenopausal symptoms.
It reduces the vasomotor symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and sweating, and also lifts your spirits.
You can take the dried plant in decoction or capsules and tablets. Avoid it if you have liver or kidney problems.

Hops (Humulus lupulus) contains essential oil, flavonoids, and substances that act as plant estrogens. For medicinal purposes, the female flowers and their resin, known as lupulinum, are used.
As a sedative plant, it especially combats irritability and insomnia. It also relieves pain and migraine.
You can drink up to 2 cups of this infusion a day, take it in tincture or capsules, or apply it with compresses.

The abundant meadow clover (Trifolium pratense), is an estrogen-rich legume easily found on roadsides and grasslands.
It works well for many women to reduce the intensity of hot flashes and annoying night sweats. It also relieves migraine, the tendency to gain weight, and insomnia.
It is usually taken as an infusion and is especially effective when combined with sage.
Dong Quai

A Chinese plant, Dong Quai or Chinese angelica, is very effective in regulating menstrual flow and correcting the alterations of the rule that often occur in the first stage of menopause.
It has sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic, and emmenagogue properties, in addition to menstrual regulation.
Therefore, it is also indicated to relieve muscle spasms, rheumatic pains, and migraines, as well as to calm nervous irritability.
It can be taken as tea, capsules, powder, or tincture.
Along with these plants, it can also be useful to add adaptogenic plants such as ginseng, which complete the natural treatment of menopausal symptoms thanks to their energizing properties.
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