Garlic, carrot, or white tea are some of the infusions that can lower blood pressure. These plants help you to have correct blood pressure values, but they should not replace any medication. It is always a good time to delight your senses with the aroma and flavor of certain ancient plants.
According to the World Hypertension Federation, one and a half billion people suffer from hypertension worldwide. Knowing how to regulate blood pressure naturally is very important to prevent this disorder. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can trigger cardiovascular diseases, especially heart attacks, coronary heart disease, and strokes.

Many factors regulate blood pressure, so for any symptom, it is crucial to see a doctor for professional advice and full follow-up.
Keeping blood pressure under control is possible in many ways in different areas of our daily lives. The first thing that specialists recommend is to change our diet and lifestyle. In many cases, it is enough to apply simple changes to our daily routine and take a natural treatment based on herbal teas or natural supplements.
A diet suited to our requirements, a physical activity that is adapted to our capacity for sport, and a good social life is the basis not only for preventing or combating hypertension but also for maintaining optimal general health.
High blood pressure may go unnoticed. However, some discomfort of unknown cause may be the result of high blood pressure. Some possible symptoms of hypertension are as follows:
- Headache
- Ringing in the ears
- Unexplained sweating
- Redness of the cheeks
- Dizziness
- Weakness or tiredness
- Palpitations
- Shortness of breath
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Nosebleeds
What Herbal Teas Are Best for Hypertension?
Garlic Infusion

This medicinal food has proven to have beneficial properties for cardiovascular health, especially for hyperlipidemia (excess fat in the blood) in addition, garlic has hypotensive, vasodilator, and antioxidant action that will help reduce high blood pressure.
One of the main active ingredients that give garlic its properties is allicin.
The hypotensive effect of this food can be significant, include it in your diet regularly and preferably take it without frying or subjecting it to high temperatures so that it does not lose its properties and benefits.
Another good option to take garlic is to cut it in half lengthwise and leave it in a glass of water overnight. In the morning drink the water and, if you wish, also ingest the garlic.

This tea alleviates the problem of high blood pressure because it contributes to improving cardiovascular health.
According to the conclusion reached by scientific studies, an infusion of rooibos is very effective in helping to lower high blood pressure.
Take it at any time of the day, even at night, since, rooibos has no theine and will not affect your sleep.

The infusion of moringa leaves can be another natural aid to reduce blood pressure levels.
Prepare the infusion with 5 grams of dried leaves per 200 ml of hot water.
Let it steep for 5 to 7 minutes and then filter it and drink it when the infusion has cooled to room temperature. This infusion will help to lower blood pressure quickly.
Carrot Leaves and Seeds

Carrot leaves and seeds have a hypotensive effect, being beneficial to prevent and naturally reduce high blood pressure.
The fresh leaves can be consumed in salads or other dishes of your choice, or the leaves can be prepared as an infusion.
As for carrot seeds should be crushed (previously rinsed with water) and left in hot water for an hour. Then strain the seeds and drink the infusion.
White Tea

The function of white tea infusion, like other infusions, is to improve cardiac function.
It has the quality of lowering high blood pressure because the active principles of white tea have a very important role in this process. In addition, white tea reduces high cholesterol, which contributes to improving arterial function if taken regularly.
Do you want to know how to prepare white tea infusion? Just add a teaspoon of white tea to 200 ml (one cup) of very hot, almost boiling water.
Cover the glass and let it steep for 3 or 4 minutes. Then filter it and sip the tea little by little when it has cooled down.
Perennial Pepperweed

The medicinal plant popularly known as perennial pepperweed pepperwort, with the scientific name Lepidium latifolium, has proven therapeutic qualities as hypotensive mainly due to its diuretic action.
For this infusion to be effective in the natural treatment of high blood pressure, you should take 3 to 5 grams of the dried plant.
This infusion is made with 1 teaspoon of dried leaf per 200 ml of hot water (one cup).
Let it steep for 5 minutes and then filter it and drink when it has cooled to room temperature.
If you’re looking for a special and unique flavor, check out our extraordinary selection of teas at Hummingbird Tearoom. Add any medicinal herb to one of our organic teas elaborated for your enjoyment and health.
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