Tea Culture in Iceland

Tea Culture in Iceland

Iceland consumes less than a pound of tea per capita per year.

Although they prefer coffee in the morning to kickstart the day, Icelanders are also creative tea enthusiasts, boasting specific tea culture with tea lollipops, tea candies, tea soaps, and even tea chocolate.

Favorite tea in the country is Black tea blended with Icelandic moss.

History of Tea in Iceland

Tea was introduced to Iceland at the begging of the 18th century, around the same time when the first coffee beans found their way to the isolated nation.

Black tea was the first loose-leaf variant that reached the shores of Reykjavik (Iceland’s capital), while later Oolong tea also arrived in Iceland.

Tea Culture in Iceland

The tea culture in Iceland exists for centuries even before the first true teas arrived.

Local people still brew Icelandic moss, birch leaves, and angelica tea, the rare three species that thrive on the island.

Although some parts of the island boast a rich loose-leaf tea selection, most people prefer buying teabags.

The coffee shops put more attention to the world’s finest coffee blends than teas, however, as a tea-loving visitor one can always find a decent Black tea option.

Nevertheless, Iceland is a predominant coffee fanatic country where tea is mostly treated as a medical aid rather than a casual relaxing beverage.

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