Tea Culture in Croatia

Tea Culture in Croatia

Croatia consumes 0.04 lb of tea per capita per year.

The tea culture in this picturesque country evolves around peppermint and Black tea.

Rosehip is one of the most common locally-produced teas in Croatia.

History of Tea in Croatia

Croatia is the least tea-loving country in the Balkans, treating tea exclusively as a medicinal beverage, existing since the beginning of time.

While peppermint and rosehip are locally grown and harvested, Black tea had arrived in the country decades ago thanks to the international trading and the grandeur sea ports of Croatia.

Green tea culture is relatively new in the country, although the capital boasts some true Chinese tea houses.

Tea Culture in Croatia

Tea in Croatia can be ordered in any restaurant or cafe, mostly offering peppermint, rosehip, and chamomile.

On the other hand, the tea houses display a wide variety of Black teas, satisfying the expert palates of sophisticated tea enthusiasts and tourists alike.

Croatians like to add milk to their tea while sugar, honey, and other sweeteners are optional.

Winter months are most popular for tea consumption as well as flu and allergy seasons.

The medicinal values of herbal teas and the high-caffeine levels of Black tea are the most appreciated traits of a tea in Croatia.

While herbal teas are more popular among the elderly, Black and Green tea are preferred among the younger generations.

Croatia produces over million tea boxes per year, mainly for export.

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