Tea Alternatives to Combat Allergies

Natural Antihistamines: Tea Alternatives to Combat Allergies

Allergies are a response of our immune system to external agents, such as grass pollen or dust mites.

Their effect triggers the production of histamine, a protein that causes symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, and itching.

An alternative to alleviate these effects is natural antihistamines, home remedies based on teas, and infusions that help to soothe annoying symptoms.

If you want to know more about it, stay with us. In this post, we explain what natural antihistamines are and what they are. Here we go!

Discover natural antihistamines and what they can do for you during allergy season.

What Are Natural Antihistamines?

What Are Natural Antihistamines

Although there are many allergy medications, there are also certain foods and plant extracts that can have similar effects, acting as natural anti-allergens.

As they are natural products, their concentration is lower and they do not contain added chemical components.

This avoids the typical side effects of chemical antihistamines, such as drowsiness, dizziness, or blurred vision.

How Do They act In the Body?

When an allergen enters our body, the immune system identifies it as harmful and a series of mechanisms are initiated that activate mast cells.

These cells are found in the tissues, specifically in the nasal and bronchial mucosa, the skin, or the digestive tract.

Mast cell activation causes histamine and other substances to make their way into the tissues, causing lacrimation, secretion, or hives on the skin.

Therefore, natural antiallergics block the histamine effects, preventing the above-mentioned symptoms.

Natural Tea Antihistamines for Allergies

The active ingredients that help relieve allergy symptoms are magnesium, quercetin, vitamins C and B, and omega 3.

Therefore, natural antihistamines can be taken several times a day, as they are not as concentrated as allergy medications.

Below, we tell you some natural anti-allergens that will help reduce your allergy symptoms.

Green tea

Green Tea to Combat Allergies

Green tea contains quercetin and catechins. These two natural substances act as antioxidants, decreasing the release of histamine.


Nettle Tea to Combat Allergies

It is consumed in tea and is an efficient herb for the stabilization of mast cells. It also inhibits histamine release, decreasing the presence of allergens in the airways and soothing congestion.


Alfalfa Tea to Combat Allergies

Like nettle, it should be consumed as an infusion. According to experts in natural therapies, alfalfa helps relieve a burning sensation in the eyes and excess mucus in the nose.


Thyme Tea to Combat Allergies

Thyme is an herb rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, which help stabilize mast cells and provides antimicrobial benefits. It can be consumed in the form of an infusion as a condiment.


Turmeric Tea to Combat Allergies

Turmeric is a root that acts as an anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant and inhibits mast cell activation. It is also present in curry and can be used in powdered or grated form to season dishes.


Ginger Tea for Allergies

Among its many properties, ginger is quite effective in the treatment of allergic reactions.

Other Natural Antihistamines


Onion is an excellent prebiotic and inhibits the release of histamine, decreasing the level in the blood and regulating mast cells. As you know, it can be consumed as a condiment, raw in salads, or poached in hot dishes.

Natural yogurt

Yogurt helps to improve bacterial flora to strengthen our immune system. Specifically, it has lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus, which help reduce allergy symptoms.

Itsnevernotteatime.com cannot and does not contain medical/health advice. The medical/health information is provided for general and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice.

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