Inflammation of the uterus occurs as endometritis or as metritis depending on which part is affected. The former is the inflammation of the mucosa of the uterus and the latter is the inflammation of the walls of the uterus.
This condition may be asymptomatic at first, so early detection is not always possible.
For this reason, it sometimes produces secondary problems that do cause symptoms and through these symptoms, the condition is diagnosed.
To diagnose this condition, tests such as the Papanicolaou test or smear or a colposcopy are performed.

In case this problem is detected, we must follow the medical guidelines indicated by our gynecologist but, in addition, we can also choose to reinforce the effect of medication with some natural alternatives for this condition.
If you want to know several natural treatment options for inflammation of the uterus, continue reading this article, and discover the most effective options.
Causes of Uterus Inflammation
Before knowing some home remedies for this condition in women, it is important to know what are the main causes of inflammation of the uterus so that the appropriate medical treatment is followed and we avoid worsening the condition:
- Latex allergy: there are several things that contain latex such as condoms, some diaphragms, and some products such as spermicides.
- Bacteria: some bacteria that are usually found in the vagina such as some of the most frequent ones which are Candida albicans, Rhamnosys lactobacillus, or Gardnerella vaginalis.
- Injuries: some injuries may occur during childbirth or when treatments such as douching are performed since, in addition to the wounds that may be caused, the changes that occur in the vaginal pH favor the growth of microorganisms.
- Sexually transmitted diseases: some of the most common STDs such as chlamydia, herpes simplex, human papillomavirus, or even trichomoniasis cause inflammation in this part of the female body.

Symptoms of an Inflamed Uterus
Another aspect to keep in mind before discussing natural treatment for inflammation of the uterus, are the main symptoms of endometritis and metritis:
- Increased vaginal discharge
- Bad odor of the vaginal discharge and a change in its color, which can be brown or dark yellow.
- Bleeding outside the menstrual period
- Bleeding during and after sexual intercourse
- Delayed menstruation
- Pain when urinating
- Pain in the lower abdomen
If you recognize any of these symptoms in your body you should go to your doctor or gynecologist promptly to perform the necessary tests such as a Pap smear among others and diagnose what is the problem you suffer and, thus, prescribe the best treatment for your case.
Teas for Uterus Inflammation
There are some natural treatment options for inflammation of the uterus that are very effective for a faster recovery due to their great anti-inflammatory capacity. Some of the best home remedies for this condition are as follows:

Banana Leaf Tea
An excellent natural remedy for an inflamed uterus is tea made from banana leaves. This tea has anti-inflammatory properties that help treat this condition effectively. To make this tea you need to gather the necessary ingredients:
- 1 liter of boiling water
- 20 grams of plantain leaves
To make this plantain leaf tea, bring water to a boil, and when it is at boiling point add the leaves. Let it boil for 3 minutes, then remove the pot from the heat and let it rest, and cool it a little to drink it. You can drink this infusion 3 to 4 times a day until the inflammation disappears.
Chicory tea

Another ideal plant for the treatment of inflammation of the uterus is chicory. The ingredients needed for this tea are:
- 1 glass of water
- 1 handful of chicory leaves
Add the glass of water to the blender and also put the chicory leaves and mix it all. Let the mixture stand for 3 minutes and drink this infusion 30 minutes before the main meals of the day until the symptoms of inflammation of the uterus disappear.
Other Anti-inflammatory Infusions
In addition to plantain leaf tea, there are other teas that can help you treat an inflamed uterus. Some of the best infusions to deflate the uterus are:
- Cat’s claw infusion.
- Endopleura uchi or yellow uxi infusion
- Guava leaf tea
These plants can be prepared in the same way as the plantain tea leaves. Likewise, you can consume 3 to 4 cups a day until the condition disappears.
Home Remedies for Uterus Inflammation
Sitz baths for an inflamed uterus

In addition to taking infusions and teas that help you relieve this condition, at home you can also make vaginal washes or sitz baths for an inflamed uterus with some medicinal herbs that have great anti-inflammatory power:
Holm oak bath
Prepare a vaginal wash by putting 1 liter of water in a pot and when it is boiling add 40 grams of holm oak bark. Let it cool a little before using it and you will soon notice that the inflammation of your uterus is reduced.
Bath of parietaria officinalis
In this case, to prepare this vaginal wash you will need to boil in a pot 50 grams of Parietaria officinalis leaves and use it when it is warm to make the sitz bath.
Yarrow bath
To prepare this other vaginal wash, boil in 1 liter of water about 40 grams of the flowers of the plant known as yarrow. When the infusion is a little warm you can use it to perform the bath that will relieve inflammation of the uterus.

These baths should be done 2 or 3 times a day for 1 week or for the duration of the medical treatment until the inflammation disappears completely.
Preventing endometritis
To prevent this condition in the uterus and to prevent it from recurring if we have already suffered and overcome it, it is important that you follow these recommendations to prevent inflammation of the uterus:
- Avoid douching
- Avoid using spermicides
- Use condoms that do not cause latex allergies.
- Avoid chemicals in menstrual products such as tampons or scented pads.
- Limiting the number of sexual partners
- Practice good intimate hygiene
- See a gynecologist at least once a year.
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