Hoary willowherb is a perfect plant to treat prostate, bladder, and kidney conditions. It has multiple properties thanks to its composition rich in pectin and mucilage, factors that help the body properly absorb this plant’s main active ingredients.
There are multiple remedies based on this tea and we want you to know more about this tremendous herbal formula that can help you overcome, mainly, prostate and digestive problems.
Make sure to read the following article and discover how to take hoary willowherb, a medicinal plant that provides a natural treatment that will help you overcome, among other conditions, benign hyperplasia or prostate enlargement.
Hoary Willowherb Tea Properties

Hoary willowherb tea is a natural ally that can help you overcome or combat multiple health problems. Its composition provides multiple beneficial effects, such as its antibacterial action, the increase of defenses, its antioxidant capacity, and, last but not least, its antitumor activity, since its composition helps to disperse cancer cells from the body.
This plant also has astringent properties, that is, it is ideal for reducing inflammation and contributes to the proper healing of wounds.
That is why it is commonly used to remedy benign prostatic hyperplasia and reduce the inflammation of the prostate in order to prevent its increase and its compression to the bladder and urethra.
Hoary Willowherb Tea Benefits

Thanks to the multiple properties that we have highlighted above, we can determine that hoary willowherb is a very beneficial plant to combat prostate problems that some men may suffer from at a certain age. Its anti-inflammatory effects will help to reduce the swelling of this gland.
On the other hand, it is good to take hoary willowherb to combat intestinal problems, since one of its components, pectin, is a perfect intestinal absorbent.
In this line, the actions of hoary willowherb will help you overcome gastroenteritis or inflammations of the digestive mucosa.
Finally, we must highlight other actions of hoary willowherb that will help you to take it. It is a natural diuretic, besides being a disinfectant of the organism.
It helps to regenerate tissues, especially the prostate and kidneys. It is decongestant, hemostatic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor.
Hoary Willowherb Consumption

If you have been convinced to discover and benefit from the beneficial effects of hoary willowherb, you should know the best way to take it.
Mainly, you can make an infusion with the dried plant, which you can find in herbalist’s shops. Add a teaspoon of hoary willowherb for every 250 ml of water, approximately. Then boil the water, let the solution steep for about 10 minutes so that the hoary willowherb releases all its active ingredients into the water, and then strain the tea. Your hoary willowherb infusion is ready to drink!
It is important to consume only two cups a day of this infusion. To make this natural remedy more effective, it is advisable to drink the first cup on an empty stomach and the second cup half an hour before dinner.
Another way to benefit from the effects of hoary willowherb is by applying it as an ointment on the skin, especially if you want to use the plant as a tissue regenerator. As we have already mentioned, it is a perfect healing agent. There are creams and preparations to carry out this mission, as well as hoary willowherb lotions that help treat skin problems and sensitive skin. You can find them in specialized stores or pharmacies.

If you want to enhance the properties of hoary willowherb tea, it’s best to combine it with your favorite Green tea variety, and if you still can’t decide which one is your favorite, check out our Hummingbird Tearoom selection.
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