Ginger in Tea

Ginger in Tea – All You Need to Know About It

Ginger is a fascinating root spice used in exotic cuisine as well as a leading ingredient in many teas. Consumed alone or added into your favorite tea, ginger is one of the most potent antiseptic and antiviral agents found in nature.

There’s no doubt that ginger in tea goes beyond just a spicy infusion. Combined with lime and tbsp of organic honey, ginger turns into a powerful flu-combating hero that saves the day during cold days.

Nevertheless, there are many details that we want to share with you on this ginger journey so you can learn about the optimal and correct usage of this magnificent root.

Types of Ginger – Grated vs Sliced

Types of Ginger - Grated vs Sliced

When using ginger in tea, there are many options on how to approach the root. Slicing and grating are the most common methods of preparing your ginger for tea.

Grated ginger has its advantages because it immediately releases all the juice and aromatic oils into the tea and it doesn’t need to boil. Adding grated ginger to already brewed hot tea is the best option if looking for an extra spicy infusion. A garlic small holes grater is the best choice for this operation.

Sliced ginger, on the other hand, is still packed with fiber and needs to boil together with the herbs or alone to soften up and release the nutrients. When preparing ginger-only tea, slicing the root is the better option as long as the circles are thin. Use any knife with a sharp blade for slicing the root.

How to Peel Ginger?

How to Peel Ginger

Let’s make it clear: before grating or slicing, your ginger root needs peeling.

The easiest way to do so if you have a young, soft root is to peel it with a spoon. By scraping off the peel around the root with a spoon, you will get a clean and ready-to-use flavorful ginger. Only scrape the portion that you need and store the rest of the root with the peel on.

For mature ginger that you can usually find at the stores, use a knife or potato peeler and gently remove the peel.

Can I Use Unpeeled Ginger in Tea?

If lacking time or tools, then using unpeeled ginger is definitely safe to use in tea. The only thing you’d need to do is wash it, scrub it, and slice it into inch-thick coins.

The ginger peel actually contains as much fiber as the root, so brewing it altogether would only add more nutritious value to your ginger tea.

Can I Use Unpeeled Ginger in Tea

Dried vs. Fresh Ginger

Dried or ground ginger is pulverized ginger root and it has a different flavor and attributes than fresh ginger.

First of all, fresh ginger is more pungent and intense while it boasts natural sweet undertones. The ginger powder, on the other hand, has a stronger spicy kick.

Fresh ginger contains more essential oils, while dried ginger is packed with shogaol, the spicy agent of the root.

Ground ginger has a longer shelf life than fresh ginger but there’s nothing better than fresh ginger if you want to prepare a delicious tea.

Organic vs. Non-Organic Ginger

As with all other foods and crops, there’s no doubt that organic ginger is richer in nutrients and free of pesticides.

Organic ginger has a more intense taste, it has a pinkish colored-skin, unlike the brownish non-organic one.

Rich in nutrients and juicy content, organic ginger roots are thinner in diameter than their non-organic counterparts.

Non-organic ginger roots contain some gingerol (phenol phytochemical compound in ginger that activates the spiciness) but nothing close to the gingerol content in organic fresh ginger.

What Is Gingerol Good For?

Gingerol is the main essential oil in ginger and it has multiple medicinal properties, including nausea reduction, combating flu, aiding digestion, aiding weight loss, reducing pain and inflammation, and improving the immune system, among others.

When adding ginger to tea, the gingerol immediately activates its healing powers and boosts the healing properties of any tea.

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Does Boiling Ginger Destroy Nutrients?

Boiling ginger for too long will eliminate a great part of the root’s nutrients but the longer you boil it the stronger your tea will be.

For this reason, grated fresh ginger is the best way to add ginger to your hot tea.

However, even when boiling fresh ginger slices, the ginger infusion will surely have a positive impact on your health.

Is it Safe to Drink Ginger Tea Every Day?

Drinking ginger tea every day is safe as long as you stick to one cup per day, which means one tbsp of ginger per cup of boiled water/tea.

Nevertheless, its pungent flavor gets overwhelming after a week of consumption, so mixing it with other teas would make it easier to ingest.

Is it Safe to Drink Ginger Tea Every Day

Ginger Tea Recipe

Fresh ginger tea is a lifesaver during the cold winter months and it’s extremely easy to make it.

One-inch slice of fresh ginger root is enough for one cup of water. Even better, use a tbsp of grated ginger per cup.

Boiling ginger for five minutes is totally enough, but you can steep it for longer if craving a stronger taste.

Strain and pour into a cup with a slice of lemon or lime juice and add honey for a delicious final touch.

Final Word

Whether you prefer plain ginger tea or adding a slice to your favorite brew, always try to use fresh root rather than ground ginger as it boasts more nutrients and benefits for your overall health.

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