Matcha tea reduces stress, prevents premature aging, and provides energy. These are the major three among the multiple benefits attributed to matcha tea. In this article, we have compiled the 8 reasons why drinking a couple of cups a day of this infusion should be part of your nutritional habits.
For some time now, matcha tea consumption has skyrocketed compared to other green teas. Its nutritional benefits seem to be far superior to the already extraordinary qualities of other teas. But is matcha tea really better? And if so, why?
It seems that science puts this trendy tea ahead as a nutritionally more valuable food. At least, so says a study published in the Journal of Chromatography, which concludes that matcha contains 137 times more epigallocatechin-3-gallate than traditional green tea, which multiplies its antioxidant power by that number.
Its positive effects are not only due to its epigallocatechin content, since its contribution to other substances such as L-theanine or fiber adds many other health benefits.
1. Strengthens the Immune System

EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), one of the antioxidant substances that make up this drink, is responsible for this property.
According to a study by the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University (United States), EGCG can promote the formation of T cells, which are essential for stimulating immunity.
2. Helps Eliminate Liquids

This drink fits perfectly in a weight loss diet since one of its most outstanding properties is its capacity to reduce liquids because it stimulates renal function.
Replace your mid-morning coffee with a cup of matcha tea, you will soon see its diuretic effects.
3. It Is a Natural Fat Burner

The amount of polyphenols (EGCG) it contains helps to accelerate the metabolism, a basic process for eliminating fat.
You can sweeten the tea with a teaspoon of stevia or honey. This way you will take advantage of the tea’s properties while avoiding the harmful effects of refined sugar.
4. Reduces Cholesterol

Thanks to its EGCG content and powerful antioxidant properties, matcha tea eliminates atheroma plaques (fatty deposits) by cleaning the arteries.
Drinking two cups of green tea a day lowers total cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by up to 22-33%.
5. Increases Vitality

A cup of matcha tea at breakfast will give you enough energy to meet your full day’s agenda. This is due to its L-theanine content.
The amino acid L-theanine increases physical endurance, which makes this drink an excellent choice for athletes.
6. Reduces Stress

Its L-theanine content promotes mental relaxation and helps combat stress by increasing alpha waves.
It also stimulates the attention span and alertness that caffeine causes, but inhibits the drowsiness effect that occurs as soon as caffeine is ingested.
7. Keeps the Skin Healthy

Matcha tea is a potent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory skin protective agent, making it look smoother and more luminous.
It is also ideal for combating dark circles under the eyes and reduces the effects produced on the skin by exposure to UV rays.
8. Combats Constipation

It contains a high level of dietary fiber, which improves intestinal transit and helps stabilize blood sugar levels.
Matcha tea has a high concentration of tannins, which act as a mild laxative.
Are There Any Reasons Not to Drink Matcha Tea?
There are some contraindications to be considered when drinking a cup of matcha tea. However, they are all related to their caffeine content. Although the presence of this substance in tea is lower than that of coffee (30 mg per cup compared to 70 mg in coffee), its consumption, like that of coffee or other types of tea, is also not advisable in the following cases:
- If you suffer from any type of cardiac pathology, kidney disease, or stomach ulcer.
- If you are following any treatment to control blood pressure since caffeine can interfere with the effects of the medication.
- In addition, caffeine reduces the absorption of iron present in food. The consumption of tea is recommended for people with excess iron in the body (hemochromatosis), so if you suffer from anemia, consult your doctor before drinking matcha.
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